P.C. to Nicole Rose

Monday, September 12, 2011

Such an amazing week!

First things first, one of my best friends from home just got his mission call to Nashville. He's gonna love it. Also, we set a guy with a baptismal date on the first lesson. The spirit was soo strong and he just plain rocks. I love that guy. And his name is Ozzi, like really, what a stud. Also, later on that day we were tracting and I felt like I needed to talk about something else on my door approach for once and so I did. The guy turned out to be athiest and I asked him the three questions that pretty much everyone asks themselves at some point: Where did I come from?Why am I here? Where am I going? A girl came from the back and asked if she could talk to us for 10 minutes or so. We ended up talking for 2 hours. She's way cool. She reminds me a lot of someone from back home in the northwest, so we were able to really connect on that front. We dont know if she was genuine or just flirting, but to figure that out we're giving her to the other missionaries. She lives in their area anyway. They're a little more quiet than my companion and I are, so we'll see how that one goes.
Today I'm packing for a 4 day exchange with the Gretna Elders. On Wednesday one of them and I have to drive up to Charleston for a Leadership meeting. We have to wake up at about 3am to get there by 10am for this meeting. It's gonna be sweet though, apparently there's gonna be some high-up people from SLC there. We're pretty stoked. This rocks. Also transfers are already coming upon us! Theyre in just 9 days! I can't even believe it because I feel like I just got here. Time really flies when you're having fun!
I love you all! But my companion now has to go to an Allergist appointment :/
~Elder Shain C Wiederholt
1192 Homestead Garden Ct #7
Forest, VA 24551

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