P.C. to Nicole Rose

Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor on Labor Day

Today is Labor day and we're trying our best to make the most of it that we can. This morning we had a fun time going on a photoshoot for all the missionaries. Theres a member in the Lynchburg 1st ward that does photography on the side and every other transfer she takes the district on a photoshoot. It was fun, she definitely does things a lot differently than I do when I shoot. We got some sweet shots though. She's going to add us each on facebook so that she can tag us, so hopefully those will be up on the web next week. She let me take a couple pictures so I could show her what I wanted taken of me, and it felt so good holding something with weight again. I miss that, but its all good. It'll come back someday. Also since its Labor day, the library is closed and we're at a members house checking our emails on their computers, and they gave us chocolate milk. Mmmm :D

We've been doing really good as far as the work goes. We've been continuing our tracting and we've been finding a lot of sweet people who are willing to hear what we have to say. Some people have even let us in and it all just starts out with some contention and then just one good thing goes right and the entire atmosphere changes. I love that! Heavenly Father has for sure been softening the hearts of all those around us. We're still working hard as ever.

President and Sister Pitt came to church with us yesterday. They are soo cool! President jogged up to the pulpit to give his testimony and it was awesome. It's incredible how energetic he is and excited about the work. He's one giant teddy bear. Sister Pitt is a little smaller, but she's really funny. She can also beat the best of us missionaries at ping pong.

Well unfortunately we are once again short on time because we still have to go shop and make it to a members house an hour away for lunch. All is well! Love y'all!

~Elder Shain C Wiederholt
1192 Homestead Garden Ct #7
Forest, VA 24551

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