P.C. to Nicole Rose

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Working hard!

Things here are doing really well. Elder Dumke and I continue to work hard, trying things that we've never done before to find success. Everything from going the extra mile in obedience by wearing suits in the abnormally warm winter and actually making our beds, to working the ward to find and baptize those that are ready for the gospel by doing a special fast with the ward, where every family fasts a different day of the month for missionary work. We're pulling all the stops! This week we're going to invite everyone we talk to to come to church, because we're jsut not getting anyone there and it's getting frustrating.

Other than that, things are just going like normal. I'm sending a picture of me with a couple of the assistants and elder Dumke(behind me) in our apartment. I thought people at home might enjoy that. Man, this work rocks. I love it, and although home is coming faster and faster, I'm really going to miss this. We spent some quality time with some families last night to avoid the super bowl. One family, the Paynes, are thee coolest family in the world. I feel completely comfortable over there, and it's always really fun. They also ahve the most solid little kids in the world.
I love a'll, miss ya'll and I'll talk to ya'll later.

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