P.C. to Nicole Rose

Monday, February 20, 2012

Two sided coin of a week

This week was a good week. There's no particular reason why, but it was successful and satistfactory. Unfortuantely the zone didnt have a nearly good week as my companion and I did, and that always seems to happen. When we have a good week, the zone is down in the dumps and vice versa. Never seems to line up just right. We were able to teach a lot though, and we found an awesome guy named Luke. He's going through a tough time in his life, and we were just walking up his steps and he came out and let us in. He gave us a tour of the house that he's remodeling, and we sat down to teach him a little bit, inwhich he told us about ho he had jsut been praying that morning for help from God for him and his son especially. That was a week ago, and we're been over a couple more times to really help him with his house and other things. He's way sweet!

My time here in Charleston is starting to wind down, and then I'll be transferred. Transfers are in about 2 weeks, and I might be leaving. If not, then I wouldn't mind. I really love it here. It rocks! The weather is really starting to be awesome as well, even in the forcast is apparently calling for 6 inches of snow over the night. Right now, it's about 55 or 60 and sunny. Pretty rockin. There's a pretty wicked flu bug going around though. A lot of missionaries have caught it already, and I hope that I don't. I've called our mission health nurse at least once every couple months since she was called. haha
One is of a Church Marquee in Parkersburg, WV. The other is a district picture of the district that I'm in right now. I love these missionaries!
Sure do love ya'll!
~Elder Wiederholt
888 Oakwood Rd Ste 310
Charleston, WV 25314

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