P.C. to Nicole Rose

Monday, February 13, 2012

a cold cold week!

We had an awesome week this week! We have truely been blessed and I truely love this work. The ward here is taking the opportunity to fast for the missionary work every month of February, last week being the first, and all three sets of missionaries in the ward had someone at church for the first time since I've been here in Charleston. There really is power in fasting, especially as my companion and I continue to see miracles all around us, in our areas and in the areas of other missionaries. The ward hasn't ever been this stoked for missionary work as long as I've been here either. Awesome.
Unfortunately the ward is having some tough times with people backbiting, and it's really effecting things. If the ward was more unified, this would easily be my favorite ward. It's so sad to see things happening that shouldn't happen, and to see it all around us. There was an awesome talk on Sunday by a High Councilman about how Christ didn't just say love one another because he likes rules, but because if we want to be loved by other people, then we need to love others. It's so true, and It's sad that it takes someone from another ward to come, see that, and say it.
There's a brand new video on Mormon.org, Jeremy Jones. My companion knows him, and like 3 others that have videos. It's incredible how small the world is! Jeremy Jones is way sweet though. He has a snowboard thats scratch and sniff...and smells like pizza. Hahaha.
Well, unfortunately there's not a whole lot else going on. We're all just pushing on through the cold and loving all the we do! Sure do love yall!
~Elder Shain C Wiederholt
888 Oakwood Rd Ste 310
Charleston, WV 25314

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