P.C. to Nicole Rose

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

counting down! blech

We had interviews with our Mission President this week. They were great! I absolutely love being able to talk with President Pitt,
 and just letting him know in person how everything is going. We had a great district meeting as well, that was all about the Christ-like attributes. We were committed to pick one, and work on it extensively over the next week. I chose humility, because it's one that I guess I've always struggled with. We were also encouraged to look at an activity in Preach My Gospel about what we want to be like when we get finished with our mission, and I wrote everything on paper and ultimately decided that it'll all begin with me being humble enough to make the changes in my life that I will need to make to be the kind of person that I want to be. It'll be along road, and will take a little longer than two months, but here we go!

Elder Weitz and I are continuing to be work horses, even though we both go home in October. We still for some reason have this strange pattern of finding people to teach, and then they just fall off the face of the planet. We keep trying people, especially the one's that really do want us to come and visit, but people are just never home anymore! It probably doesnt help that it's the summer, and we serve in a place where people are either super-duper poor and non-commital, but are always home, or super-duper well-off and commital, but never home cause theyre always on vacation. But it's all about that final principal of the Gospel! Enduring to the End! I was listening to a talk by Jeffrey R Holland from October '11 where he really tells teenagers to get active and clean and ready for their missions. In there he said one sentence where he said time is running out. It really hit, cause I think that I definitely realized that time is running out on my mission, and that I feel that I've been a little passive. Gotta make these last couple months worth it and work the work.

Not a whole lot else going on. Just hot weather, and tracting in the hollers. Sure do love yall!

Also, sending some pictures of my comp and I at EFY with some of the councilors that we knew! And a street sign that has my first name on it, kind of. It's spelled wrong, but it's the closest that I'll ever get.

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