P.C. to Nicole Rose

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

I'm not trunky, I promise

Holy cow! Blessings so large that theres no room to recieve them, baby! Haha! The beginning of the school year is coming upon us. We will be having at least 7 new families in the ward in coming weeks. That's incredible! One family we met is the Lee family. They're not asian at all, but they're way sweet. They're way loaded too. They moved into one awesome mansion. They told us that they moved into a place on the corner of Sellers Ave and Main, and I thought for a sec, and I was just phew! That's a nice place! Haha They're way cool. They're from Mesa, AZ. It's way nice to have some new youth in the ward, including a priest age young man. Their oldest is starting at BYU-I here in a couple weeks, so we're losing her. Thats alright though. Another family we met is the Nielsons, from Logan, UT. He served in the WVCM in 2004-06. He's way cool. We haven't gotten to know them too well yet though. They were visiting his areas this weekend.

Things are going well in our area as far as the work goes. We're really trying to work hard, and stay focused. Especially since we're both going home in October. I have mixed feelings on transfers in two weeks on wednesday. I want to be able to finish my mission here, and I love serving with Elder Weitz, but I know that if we finish together, then we're going to be replaced with two missionaries that know nothing about the area. So all the hard work that we're doing to build a relationship with the members could easily be smashed. It's very sensitive. For the sake of the area, I hope that there is a transition to new missionaries, even if that means me leaving.

We've been really trying to be more bold lately. We had a door approach where a man shook our hands, and immediately tried to bash with us by saying that we dont believe in the Bible. Well, My companion was carrying his quad, and I had a mini KJV in my pocket. We totally put the kabosh on that one and many other things he tried to do by just simply sharing a scripture and testifying of Christ. My favorite line that we said was when he was accusing of putting Joseph Smith above Jesus Christ. We said that's not true, and proved it. He said that his preacher said that's what was going on. We told him that we're from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and that the Church of Joseph Smith of Latter-Day Saints doesn't exist to our knowledge. He also said John Smith instead of Joseph Smith. I said "Sir, it's Joseph Smith. John Smith married Pocahontas." That helped to lighten things up a bit. Afterwards we went and taught the Chair of the Chamber of Commerce in the county. We had told some of his associates in the ward that we had an appointment with him, and they said "Well Elders....Good luck!" Well, dear members of the Lexington Ward, that lesson rocked our socks. Haha. Sammy Moore is his name. And he did say that he wanted to learn about the church for educational purposes, but that he would read and pray about the Book of Mormon, and if he thought it was the Church of Christ, he would follow it. Good enough for me!

At church, we had an interesting sacrament. Sound was out because of a lightning strike. Bishop got up and told the ward how lucky they are to have such sweet missionaries. I'm not bragging, I swear, haha. But then, a crazy lady got up and started to rebuke the missionaries for not going completely out of their way at walmart to give her a pamphlet or invite her to church when she was less active. In the missionaries defense, she's nuts. And she would like just say hi to them. I dont know if she realizes this, but we get tons of hellos at walmart because we're in one of the most condensed towns of mormon poopulation on the East Coast. Anyway, we're trying to do better and actually talk to people who say hi. She was right about one thing, you never know when those people saying hi really need someone to talk to. Thankfully though, she was quiet, and like none of the investigators there heard her little rebuke. Phew!

Well, those are our sweet experiences lately. Sure do love ya!

Love, Elder Shain C Wiederholt
888 Oakwood Rd Ste 310
Charleston, WV 25314

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