P.C. to Nicole Rose

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Last transfer!

Well, tomorrow begins my last transfer, but I'm not thinking about it too much. Or at least trying not to. I am being transferred, and I'm going to be going to a neighboring area, the Rockbridge area in Buena Vista. I'll be covering the Rockbridge and Buena Vista Family wards, and will actually be able to work within BV now. I'm pretty excited. I get to stay in such an awesome place, be around some awesome missionaries, and finish my mission with a great missionary! His name is Elder Neal Butler, and he's from Chicago, IL. He's been out for about a year and a half now, and I've gotten to know him really well over the course of my mission. I've been his Zone Leader a couple times, and I've been on several exchanges with him in the past. I love Elder Butler!

Things in Lexington are going good! I'm really sad to leave this ward. I love the members here so much! But BV and Rockbridge will be great too! I'm still gonna be working closely with a lot of students, of W+L, VMI and SVU. In Lexington though, we have had a couple good interactions this week with investigators and stuff. We had another good lesson with a guy named Sammy Moore. His choice to investigate is really a suprise to a lot of people, because he's apparently really non-commital and stuff, but he has kept all the commitments that we've asked him to do! He's cool, but he might be dropping us soon. We feel like he might be at least. :/

Also, we tried a former investigator, and he wasnt home again, but we talked to his daughter, and had a good conversation with her. We gave her a Book of Mormon, and she said that her family just quit their church because of politics and they want it to truly be about Christ. We did invite the family to come to church, but theyre going to be busy for a couple weekends.

It's really sad though that we havent seen the success that we had hoped for while I was here. But We worked way hard, and I absolutely love this ward!

Elder Shain C Wiederholt
888 Oakwood Rd Ste 310
Charleston, WV 25314

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