P.C. to Nicole Rose

Thursday, April 12, 2012

I wont see it until I believe it

I wont see it until I believe it. I have got to say that one of the things that I'm learning about everyday is alway faith. What it is, how it works, where it begins and ends, what the difference is between faith and hope. These are all things that I've been pondering about and learning more and more about so that I can be more effective as a missionary and servent of God. General Conference this last weekend really helped me a ton. We're encouraged to go in with a couple different questions that we need answered. Those can be doctrinal, about life, direction, whatever we need to become better people. Well I went in with 5 questions, and each of them were answered two-fold. It is pretty awesome. The talks by Elder Packer, Holland, and a few others all hit home pretty well. There was one talk, the third one on saturday morning, that was about the Doctrine of Christ and the difference between being active in the church but not in the gospel. There was another one about writing missionaries, I especially loved that one! ;D
Things here are going well. The ward that I'm serving in participated in a multi-church basketball league to help create unity with the churches in the area. I won the championship, 5-0. It was a ton of fun, and we got to know a ton of awesome guys. We might start teaching one or two of the non-member guys that were on our team. All three of us also made brackets for MArch Madness for the fun of it. I didnt know what I was doing, so it was quite butchered. Haha
Its weird to think that we already have two weeks left in the transfer. It'll be here before I know it. I have no idea what might happen, so I guess all is in the Lord's hands now.
Love ya'll! Have a wonderful Easter!
~Elder Shain C Wiederholt
790 Locust Ave
Clarksburg, WV 26301
Mission Office:
888 Oakwood Rd Ste 310
Charleston, WV 25314

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