P.C. to Nicole Rose

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

number 1!

Hello yall!
Kingwood is doing ok. We're just working hard as ever, and its getting hot as ever. I dont know whats hotter, us or the weather. We've been told that Playboy(ooh boy...) rated mormon missionaries as the hottest guys in uniform, second to the UPS guy. I dont know if thats a good thing or not. But it makes me feel better knowing that people only stare because we're so good lookin!
But yea, its probably hotter outside. blech :(
We've just been doing a lot of door knocking and whatnot. We're going to go see a mom and her daughter tonight who have dates for July 16th. Hopefully they make it. They gotta not cancel appointments like they have been for the last 3 weeks. I think if they cancel tonight we'll take them off date til we meet with them again. We also set another date for August 20th with a 23 year old kid named Ryan. He's way cool and believes we're divinely sent(which we are, so its true doctrine). Unfortunately, he's hooked to Oxicotin. Smoking too, but thats easy compared to a hard drug. He started using it to get off cocaine.

We had Zone Conference yesterday, in which we got a 3 generation training picture. In other words, a picture of me and my trainer and my greenie. Its pretty sweet stuff. I also sent that picture with this email and the picture of our zone.
Well, not much else is really happening here right now. :/
Talk to yall later! Sure do love yall!
~Elder Shain C Wiederholt
202 E High St #3
Kingwood, WV 26537

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