P.C. to Nicole Rose

Monday, May 9, 2011

Good week, but slow

As the subject line suggests, we had a good week, but it went by super slow. We're starting to go out and try to find members on the roster at church who havent been to church for some time, and also members who are coming to church too. We dont know where anyone lives! All the addresses are PO box numbers, so we're going to go find their homes and record the coordinates.
I got sick this week, or allergies, either way, I'm pretty miserable. We only get a certain amount of hours of sleep as it is, and then I always wake up to blow my nose and get a drink and stuff. blech. I hope it ends shortly.

Not much really happened this week! We did have one experiance however. We were out knocking and a guy answered and the first he said was that we were making his dogs bark a lot. unfortunately we cant do much about that, and we told him that. Then he said "Well boys, here's the deal. Jesus died and came back to life, right?" and we just said yea, sounds about right. "Well, to me thats a zombie, and I dont like zombies. So once you have figured out how to get rid of zombies, you can come back." Then he shut his door. We never had a door approach like that, and neither has any other missionary we've talked to. So kudos to him for creativity. Haha

Some pictures too. One is of a picture of a sign near Oakland, MD that we thought was pretty funny(cause Matthew doesnt say that, we're pretty sure). Some that I sent last week, Elder Allred and I with Jeff before the baptism. One of us with the youth for a nerf war. And then one of the finished drawing for president and sister Thornock. :D

Love yall!
Elder Wiederholt
202 E High St #3
Kingwood, WV 26537

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