P.C. to Nicole Rose

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Well, I gotta be really quick cause we have an appointment in like 25 minutes, and theyer 20 minutes away, so I apologize about any spelling errors.
First things first, we had a baptism! His name is Jeff Freeland! He's soo cool and just loves the gospel. Unfortunately the ward doesn't know him and support them as well as we would like but oh well, that'll have to come with time. There were only 9 people total at the baptism, including Elder Allred and I and Jeff. yea...It'll be better at our next one though! I totally promise!

The next one we have planned is for the 21st of may. His name is Garrett Wolfe, he's in the picture with all the nerf guns, the boy in the front on the left. He's legit as well.
Speaking of nerf guns, we had a nerf war with the youth from the ward, and had each of them try to invite friends to it so we could get them to like us missionaries a bit more. haha. They all had a great time and we loved it as well.

We were in Oakland all day today, helping some people move. It was crazy. They kept on deciding and redeciding to have a couch in there or not, and so we spent 2 hours packing and unpacking for no reason.
I wish I had a camera today. not a point and shoot, but a legitamite camera. AHH If I ever have a companion with one I'm gonna have to be ETed cause I think I'll be too distracted. I wanted to get some sweet landscapes while we were in Maryland today, but point and shoots just arent able to capture the colors and depth and tones and things like a DSLR can. gaaah!
Well, not much else happened. Elder Allred's Bday is next week, mothers day! We dont know when we're going to be able to call. So we'll try our best.

~Elder Shain C Wiederholt
202 E High St #3
Kingwood, WV 26537
(PS we didnt move, I've just been getting my address wrogn this entire time and the postal service has been awesome cause they all know us! hahahaha

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