P.C. to Nicole Rose

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

number 1!

Hello yall!
Kingwood is doing ok. We're just working hard as ever, and its getting hot as ever. I dont know whats hotter, us or the weather. We've been told that Playboy(ooh boy...) rated mormon missionaries as the hottest guys in uniform, second to the UPS guy. I dont know if thats a good thing or not. But it makes me feel better knowing that people only stare because we're so good lookin!
But yea, its probably hotter outside. blech :(
We've just been doing a lot of door knocking and whatnot. We're going to go see a mom and her daughter tonight who have dates for July 16th. Hopefully they make it. They gotta not cancel appointments like they have been for the last 3 weeks. I think if they cancel tonight we'll take them off date til we meet with them again. We also set another date for August 20th with a 23 year old kid named Ryan. He's way cool and believes we're divinely sent(which we are, so its true doctrine). Unfortunately, he's hooked to Oxicotin. Smoking too, but thats easy compared to a hard drug. He started using it to get off cocaine.

We had Zone Conference yesterday, in which we got a 3 generation training picture. In other words, a picture of me and my trainer and my greenie. Its pretty sweet stuff. I also sent that picture with this email and the picture of our zone.
Well, not much else is really happening here right now. :/
Talk to yall later! Sure do love yall!
~Elder Shain C Wiederholt
202 E High St #3
Kingwood, WV 26537

A crazy couple of weeks

We are doing awesome. 'Nuff Said.
Just kidding, I apologize first off for not sending an email last week***. We Got pretty busy with transfers and such and so we didnt get a chance to email. But! Elder Allred is gone :( He's in Pembroke, VA and is rocking it down there. I'm now with Elder Stewart. I'm training him, and he's fresh out. He's from MEDFORD! :D hahaha These two Oregonians are gonna tear up West Virginia! He's cool though. Kinda shy and quiet, but cool. I sent a picture of me and him, along with the last picture that Elder Allred and I took together before he left.

There are a few different pictures. Some of Elder Allred and I with Garrett when he was trying on his jumpsuit. Also a couple of Elder Stewart and I at the baptism. Theres one of me pointing at a clock, well at 6 oclock on May 21st was the end of the world. Were still here. Elder Allred and I also got to try out the mission vehicles(horse and buggy). Then theres some pictures of a river called the Cheat River and a really cool bridge thats on it.

We also have a family that we were super excited about. Now it turns out that they could very well be going to prison for a very long time thanks to drugs. They've been breaking into homes to steal stuff. Yeah...
Our ward mission leader loves to golf and he also has tons of open land, so he's been letting us drive golf balls off into eternity. Yes, I've actaully touched a golf club. I know I've said that I wouldn't be caught dead with one, but I guess its a good thing I'm not dead, cause then I'd be a
lier and would cease. haha

Other than that, not much else has been happening. Except the end of the world. Kingwood is gone. Bye Kingwood!
~Elder Shain C. Wiederholt
202 E High St #3
Kingwood, WV 26537

(***-This post was also held back due to the lack of pictures originally sent with it.)

Monday, May 9, 2011

Good week, but slow

As the subject line suggests, we had a good week, but it went by super slow. We're starting to go out and try to find members on the roster at church who havent been to church for some time, and also members who are coming to church too. We dont know where anyone lives! All the addresses are PO box numbers, so we're going to go find their homes and record the coordinates.
I got sick this week, or allergies, either way, I'm pretty miserable. We only get a certain amount of hours of sleep as it is, and then I always wake up to blow my nose and get a drink and stuff. blech. I hope it ends shortly.

Not much really happened this week! We did have one experiance however. We were out knocking and a guy answered and the first he said was that we were making his dogs bark a lot. unfortunately we cant do much about that, and we told him that. Then he said "Well boys, here's the deal. Jesus died and came back to life, right?" and we just said yea, sounds about right. "Well, to me thats a zombie, and I dont like zombies. So once you have figured out how to get rid of zombies, you can come back." Then he shut his door. We never had a door approach like that, and neither has any other missionary we've talked to. So kudos to him for creativity. Haha

Some pictures too. One is of a picture of a sign near Oakland, MD that we thought was pretty funny(cause Matthew doesnt say that, we're pretty sure). Some that I sent last week, Elder Allred and I with Jeff before the baptism. One of us with the youth for a nerf war. And then one of the finished drawing for president and sister Thornock. :D

Love yall!
Elder Wiederholt
202 E High St #3
Kingwood, WV 26537

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Well, I gotta be really quick cause we have an appointment in like 25 minutes, and theyer 20 minutes away, so I apologize about any spelling errors.
First things first, we had a baptism! His name is Jeff Freeland! He's soo cool and just loves the gospel. Unfortunately the ward doesn't know him and support them as well as we would like but oh well, that'll have to come with time. There were only 9 people total at the baptism, including Elder Allred and I and Jeff. yea...It'll be better at our next one though! I totally promise!

The next one we have planned is for the 21st of may. His name is Garrett Wolfe, he's in the picture with all the nerf guns, the boy in the front on the left. He's legit as well.
Speaking of nerf guns, we had a nerf war with the youth from the ward, and had each of them try to invite friends to it so we could get them to like us missionaries a bit more. haha. They all had a great time and we loved it as well.

We were in Oakland all day today, helping some people move. It was crazy. They kept on deciding and redeciding to have a couch in there or not, and so we spent 2 hours packing and unpacking for no reason.
I wish I had a camera today. not a point and shoot, but a legitamite camera. AHH If I ever have a companion with one I'm gonna have to be ETed cause I think I'll be too distracted. I wanted to get some sweet landscapes while we were in Maryland today, but point and shoots just arent able to capture the colors and depth and tones and things like a DSLR can. gaaah!
Well, not much else happened. Elder Allred's Bday is next week, mothers day! We dont know when we're going to be able to call. So we'll try our best.

~Elder Shain C Wiederholt
202 E High St #3
Kingwood, WV 26537
(PS we didnt move, I've just been getting my address wrogn this entire time and the postal service has been awesome cause they all know us! hahahaha