P.C. to Nicole Rose

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

tearin it up in C-burg!

Things here are going alright. Elder Kelsch and I are hard at work trying to help the ward in whatever ways that we can. We've been finding a ton of awesome people that are truly prepared for this gospel. The only thing that could be better is that if the weather wouldn't be so hot for this time of the year. Unfortunately, it's gonna get hotter, and since the winter wasnt cold at all theres going to be a TON of bugs this summer. Not too stoked for that. Other than that, no complaints really, which is always good!
Elder Kelsch and I had a pretty awesome comp study this morning, just talking about different doctrines that we really like. Something that I had read in my studies of the Book of Mormon today was 3 Nephi 12:4 which is talking about how we all have troubled, and we will be comforted. What I like about it is that in the verse before it, Christ comands us to com eunto his and repent and the usual. Anyway, verse 3 is all about doing something to get something, which is great. But verse for really shows God's mercy by comforting us whether we believe that he exists or not, comforting us in times of trial and trouble even if we dont believe he is. It's really neat seeing that play in my life and in the lives of others that I talk too because everyone does have their trials, and things always get better. Right? There's nothing thrown in our way that we can't handle, and if we weren't meant to handle it, it would kill us, but only physically. Gah!! It's sweet. I gotta say that since I came out, I have totally come to love scripture. It's sa-weet!
Everyone that knows me well knows that I like to be different, and something that really means a lot to the missionaries in our mission is our ties. I have no idea if its that way in other missins, I'm sure it is, but all I know is that it matters here. Anyway, something that I'm deciding to do as a personal sacrfice of sorts is I'm gonna send home 90% of my ties here shortly and wear only ties that are left behind in apartments. Theyre not usuallys the most attractive tie, but I for some reason think thats what'll make it so much fun! Being the one guy that will actaully wear that tie thats been in Goodwill since the 70's. Sounds good to me!
Well, that's pretty much everything exciting for me today. Love ya'll!
~Elder Shain C Wiederholt
790 Locust Ave
clarksburg, WV 26301
888 Oakwood Rd Ste 310
Charleston, WV 25314

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