P.C. to Nicole Rose

Monday, October 3, 2011

life is being a little hectic(sp?)

Dearest family,
Charleston continues to rock. General Conference rocked. Elder Stoker and I rock. Everything rocks.
I say thing things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Just kidding, we've been soooooooo busy this post week its not even funny. We only got to work in our own area for like 3 days total, and everything still went well! We had 4 investigators at conference! We did like 2 exchanges, and 2 meetings with President Pitt and the districts. Life is super busy as a Zone Leader, but I love it, it keeps me doing things. We have a baptism set for this coming sunday, and then another coming next month. Life wrongs right now and I'm loving it. Have I mentioned I love it?
I love yall, but I have to go, the mission sent my companion and I a ton of stuff and we gotta look through it all in like 6 minutes. yikes!
Elder Wiederholt
888 Oakwood Rd Ste 310
charleston, wv 25314

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