P.C. to Nicole Rose

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

we've had such an awesome week!

It's been a pretty good day. We missed most of our p-day for Zone Leader Council inwhich on of the Seventy came and taught us. Elder Nash, of the First Quorum of the Seventy. It was way cool to have him here to teach us and help the mission to move in a great direction. Unfortunately though we haven't been able to do laundry yet, and we figured we could do emails faster than doing laundry before our appointments tonight.
I can't proclaim how much I truely love Charleston! It pretty much rocks my socks! This last week we had an opportunity to go to a huge car show along the water front of the Kanawha(pronounced Kana) River. There were over 900 cars, and they were all sweet. I'm sure I can list off several people who would've loved to be there. We keep having interesting experinces here, including this last week we were talking to someone on their doorstep when a random lady parked her car across the street, started to blast Lady Gaga, got out of her car and started dancing in the middle of the intersection, then tons of neighbors started to come out and yell at here inwhich caused her to get fuming mad, and try to run random people over. It was quite entertaining. Well, we got into a lesson with this lady we were talking to, and then a friend of hers who's a Jehovah's Witness walked into the house and tried to argue with us. We didn't do anything, kind of just stood there because we haven't ever had someone walk into the middle of a lesson who genuinely hates us and try to tell us this in front of our investigators. Later on that day we were trying some people when we pulled up to an intersection, facing a street with a railroad on the other side. Elder Stoker was super suprised at what he saw, and then I finally realized what happened. There was a derailed train there! It was waaaay crazy! All this was in one day too!
Last sunday we had a baptism of a man who's been taught for about 2 months. His name is Richard Rutta, and he's way sweet. Whn he came up out of the water he had the biggest grin on his face. Possibly one of the best moments for any missionary is seeing someone change their life for the better who really wants to do it, and looks forward to everything with a smile. He's got a couple of tough weeks on the way because he has Parkingsons and has some surgeries over the next couple weeks to reduce tremors.
We also at some point decided to have an ugly tie day. I decided to change my tie before leaving the house though because I wore it once where a member saw me, and was sincerely concerned that I was going home, so I decided to rebel in sorts and wear the tie. Hahaha I'll send the picture of us! I love the three other missionaries in my apartment. It seems like we're such guys in the fact that one is always trying to be better at everything, one's always working out, one's always punching the others and pulling pranks on them, and the last is just sitting and watching the rest so he can write an email about it home. They're all absolute studs, most definitely called of God for this work.
Well we jsut got a text that we have dinner in 15 minutes. Love yall and I hope to hear from yall again soon! We've decided that we'll come back to the library to email tomorrow because of not having time. ttyl!
Elder Shain C Wiederholt
1622 Virginia St Apt B
Charleston, WV 25311

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