P.C. to Nicole Rose

Friday, June 24, 2011

Well, I guess I gotta die

Because I said I wouldnt be caught dead golfing. Well, this morning, We went golfing. Granted, I stunk, but I got the 9th hole in 3 hits. :D haha Pictures next week!
In other news, theres not a ton going on here. We're just working hard to keep things going strong here in Kingwood for the next transfer. since it'll be President Pitts first transfer in the mission. We want him to think good things about Kingwood since President Thornock didnt really think too highly of the ward here. It definitely has its problems, but we're working on them. I kind of wish they would feed us more, but beggers cant be choosers.
We had to cancel the baptism for Ryan Lazier for Aug 20th. He's moving out of our area and he's all the sudden really hard to contact. :( BUT we did set another date for July 30th with a kid named Cameron Wilson. He's dating a girl whose family is less active, and now theyre coming to church too! :D We're really excited for him. Were also teaching another girl whose gone through Cancer twice, 3 brain tumors, and 50+ surgeries. We went over with the Bishop and he said that she might not be accountable, but we're going to hold on and see, because I've seen a lot worse situations than what she seems like.
Uuuuuuum.....thats pretty much it. Transfers are tomorrow, so I'll be here in Kingwood until next transfer, which is August 10th. :D
Elder Shain C Wiederholt
202 E High St #3
Kingwood, WV 26537

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