P.C. to Nicole Rose

Monday, June 27, 2011

I did it!

I finally figured out how to tie the Tornado knot! Hahahahahhaha I cant believe that it took me so long to do it and now I can! I'm so proud of myself.
In other news, not much is going on. We're teaching a couple of people that are super legit. One of them is named Cameron. He's about 21 years old and is dating a member whose family was less active. Now that family is coming to church to support him and he's coming too. We were teaching him more about the plan of salvation and I asked him where he thought we went after we died and he was like "well its like here and that house over there, theres something inbetween." I was like YEEEESSS! He grew up Catholic and stopped going to church after some tough times, but he's super prepared. I love that guy. We're also teaching a 24 year old girl who we're trying to determine is accountable or not. She has some minor memory problems as a result of cancer twice, three brain tumors and 50+ surgeries. She sweet though.
We're getting our new mission president in two days, then we're going to meet him next week.
Oh yea, I've actually been thinking lately about going to BYU. Weird, huh? Some people will realize how truly significant that is by how much I didn't really wanna go there in years past. I still do plan on going for Advertizing and some sort of photography/journalism. I don't know when I'll be able to start. I'll probably start in winter 2012, a few months after I get back so I can work and save up a bit, and find a place to live.
Plus, the elder I greenie-broke, Elder Allred, will be going there at that same time! :D
Not too much else is going on. Elder Stewart and I are constantly working to build our relationship, which is what its all about. Sometimes we dont see eye to eye because we're both stubborn, we both think we're always right and he's still green so like I was when I was a greenie, he challenges essentially everything I say or suggest. We're working on that. I talked to President Thornock about it and he said thats essentially why he put him up here, to learn patience. Who better to learn patience from some one who forces you to be patience because theyre always right, right? I'm learning too, nonetheless. I'm always saying that I have to work on humility and this must be Gods way of giving me a swift kick in the pants to get me started. I am getting transfered in August though, and I'm looking forward to that. I dont like being in an area for more than a few months, especially such a small area.
Pictures are 1) of me golfing(kinda. Just me with my golf bag that I was borrowing from a member) and 2) my District last Transfer: Elder Sain, Elder Stoven, Elder Stewart, and myself. :D
~Elder Shain C Wiederholt
202 E High St #3
Kingwood, WV 26537

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