P.C. to Nicole Rose

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Well good news and bad news

Good news is that its not hot out! yay!
Bad new is that an investigator just dropped us :( I kinda saw it coming but Elder Stewart is kinda sad about it. At least he's showing love for the people
Well, we're going to be having transfers next week, so Pday is gonna be on Tuesday. We're looking forward to the new elder coming into Oakland, and we don't know if I'm being transferred or not. Probably not since I'm training but you never know. President Pitt is getting here in about 3 weeks or so(June 29th). His bio thing is in the church news, or was in the church news. the Branch President in Oakland got us a couple of the page so we could read over it and stuff. It's pretty sweet stuff!
Not much is going on with our investigators. We're teaching this one girl who has survived cancer twice, 3 tumors and 57 surgeries. She's only 24 too! She's also surprisingly all or mostly there and understands the doctrine well. She definitely feels she has a purpose to still be here and we're getting more and more excited about her. We're also teaching a 21 year old kid whose dating a less active member, but because we're teaching him the family is starting to come back to church! :D We've been trying for a super long time to get them to come and we're really excited about it. We're also super super excited because this area was essentially tracted out, and now we're able to start retracting streets again for the first time since the area opened back in December. Its pretty relieving to have something somewhat productive to do now when it comes to finding.
We're working hard with Less Active work as well, but whenever we pray about a name on the roster and it feels right, then we bring up in Ward Council, we get SHOT DOWN. I can't stand it. Our ward tends to be negative and of the "oh we tried that once already" which is pretty typical in a ward full of super old people. Well, its a good thing that we're just gonna keep trying again and again and again until we get it, because that's what we're used to. If missionary work wasn't about trying things over and over again, this church would've crumbled a long time ago.
Looking at Katrina's graduation announcement I remembered that she's graduating tonight, at the time that I go to bed. So that's good.
We got a brand new truck this week! It is smokin hot! Its 2011 Chevy Colorado, Silver. and its bigger, better, and has a nicer sound system. What can I say? I love to hear that Bass in Mormon Tabernacle Choir. True Doctrine. I wouldn't know if it accelerates faster or not...haha just kidding, but I actually don't know. I'm trying to be a good driver! Plus, at least I haven't hit any deer or anything yet! :D That's a good thing! I'll send a picture of our new baby next week!
Love Y'all!
~Elder Wiederholt
202 E High St #3
Kingwood, WV 26537

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