P.C. to Nicole Rose

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Good week :D

I suppose the weather is a good thing to start off with. As good as another. Yesterday it was 80 degrees, and the humidity was so high that the humidity gauge on the thermoniter(sp?) actually broke. Today it was nice, but now as I look out the window, its starting to look REALLY bad. Theres supposed to be thunderstorms all day tomorrow too, and thats walk-n-talk tuesday. Sorry about my spelling, West virginia's getting to me..

This week was pretty average. We did great on all our goals, but of course numbers dont matter! :) We have also found out that the Jehovahs Witnesses have beengoing around to all of our investigators houses several times a week. I'm sure theyre doing neighborhoods and dont mean to go to specifically our investigators, but its literally a couple a day. We had one actually drop us because of it, for some reason :/ Opposition in all things!

We're starting to get ready for Jeff's baptism on the 30th of this month. Next month we have another date set that the world couldn't stop. His name is Garrett Wolfe. He's super legit, and just 10 years old! What a cool kid, love him to death. There's another lady we've taught but we're waiting a couple weeks to go back. Her husband was deployed and just came back last night. The internet was down a couple hours ago when we first came to check our emails, so we went shopping. We ran into them at walmart and got to meet her husband and just chat and let him know that we're real people too. Their daughter is sooo cool! She came up to me and showed me her shirt that said "My daddy is my hero!" AAHH! Such a cool kid! She also promised me a coloring page. I'm excited :D
Oh, there it is, the downpour...
Well. Elder Allred and I are rocking Kingwood. It was once a dead area, but we brought it back to life in the name of Jesus Christ and we're working hard. He's so legit. We do our best to share everything, except stuff in the bathroom, closets and our beds...And thats it. haha Its pretty awesome, my birthday is on Easter this year, and his is on Mother's day! He's got it good!
Have a good one everyone! Love y'all and wish y'all the best!
~Elder Shain C Wiederholt
303 E High St #3
Kingwood, WV 26537
PS The pictures are of Elder Allred and I being as gangster as it can get in West Virginia. We're doing WVCM standing for West Virginia Charleston Mission and then thats Jeff Freeland with his two kids! Jared and Amy!

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