P.C. to Nicole Rose

Monday, January 24, 2011

Tough week

Like the title suggests, this weeks been a tough one. We're working hard and trying to keep positive, but theres always seems to be a wall in the way. We didnt have much go through this week. But we found 3 new investigators this week which hasnt happened in a while! And the Ashland Elders had a baptism on saturday!

Work here is just slow, but it hasn't stopped, so we're still pushing forward. I'm also gonna blame the winter. Too often are we tracting and people say that they wont talk to us cause its cold out. Though they could just let us for a minute, they don't. Their is not much we can do with
that, it is their God given choice.

I've decided to do something for President and Sister Thornock before they leave, and that's draw them this awesome picture of Jesus Christ looking out over Jerusalem, but instead of Jerusalem I'm gonna draw Charleston. It'll be sweet. Can't wait. Also, since we didn't have too many dinners with members this week, we're resorting to cooking more often and I get to experiment a bit. It's sweet. We really need to stop eating out though, its killing my money.
I'm sending a couple pictures as well. One is of a sign for Drive through Alcohol, which we all think is interesting. Another is a pretty sweet Marquee we found at a car shop. One with elder Moen and I with some Marshall shirts we got at goodwill. One of Elder Kelsch and I, and then one of my thumb right after it got busted up two weeks ago. It's no longer nearly as bad, but it still hurts to grip some stuff.
Til next time!
~Elder Wiederholt
1125 St Christopher Dr #48
Russell, KY 41169

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