P.C. to Nicole Rose

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Things are going good. All of our investigators are currently Spanish speakers and so it makes things really interesting. Whenever we go over to teach them, we take with us a couple spanish speakers to translate for us since we obviously lack the spanish speaking ability. It's interesting because although we can teach, we're not able to create any sort of relationship with them, and then also theres all the little things that someone might say in a lesson that could clue us something as to what they need, but whenever our translators translate for us, they just summarize what they said, and we dont get the details. It makes it so that we have to go in  and teach 100% by the spirit, and it's tough. But totally worth it because we started to bear testimony and it totally filled the room with the spirit.

And one of them, Luz, totally felt it. The amazing thing is that her name means "light" which in a gospel context isn't light by which we see an object, but at the same time it is how we're able to "see" things in a gospel perspective. That's why when Brigham Young was talking about the "Man without Eloquence," he said that when a simple man that had no talent for public speaking could only say that he knew that the Book of Mormon was true and that Joseph Smith was a prophet, that mans testimony filled him with light. It's an incredible thing, and something I definitely something I want to study more about.

We had an awesome experience being in a parade on Saturday. I just can't get away from them. It was my 3rd on the mission, and we might be in the July 4th parade too! What we did was we got into a back of a pickup, and stuffed it with cold water bottles and ice-pops. Then all four of us would go grab a bunch of stuff and pass it out to people that were watching the parade. It was way cool, and was an awesome way to be charitable with no strings attached, which everyone seems to thing that it's meant to be. Just to assure myself that charity is meant to be no-strings-attached, I read 1 Corinthians 13 and Moroni 7, which together explain perfectly what it means to be charitable.

I love being a missionary. It's great. :D

Elder Confer and I before service
Myself with an ex companion of Fletcher's
Myself preparing to cook
Us with the Rockbridge Elders "doing service" at a childrens park called Boxerwood, and then getting a picture with a prop there. :D

Love Elder Wiederholt!
888 Oakwood rd ste 310
Charleston, WV 25314

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