P.C. to Nicole Rose

Thursday, June 21, 2012

not a whole lot happened this week :/

Well, not a whole lot happened this week, unfortunately. We were sick this week, and could only work a few hours at a time. But, we worked hard regardless, and we were still blessed. It was really awesome being able to finally teach some English speakers. Haha. One of them also speaks Spanish, but thankfully prefers English.
Also at church, there was a girl that just showed up. She had been to church at the BV ward a couple times, but her friend that she went with moved to Provo to go to school, and is now in Spain on a learning abroad trip. Plus, she hasn't been in years, but she decided to just come. It's quite awesome. Hopefully she will be able to get permission from her mother to learn from us.

There wasn't a whole lot more that really happened. Haha. It's too bad. But hopefully more will happen this week. Love yall!

Elder Shain C Wiederholt
888 Oakwood Rd Ste 310
Charleston, WV 25314

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