P.C. to Nicole Rose

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Merry Christmas!!

So first things first, We're going to be making our calls at 3:45 on Christmas, so thats about 1:45 Pacific time. Thats the Plan at least, because Elder Dumke's parents need us to call before 4:30 our time.
So, we've had an awesome week! We've seen so many miracles all around us. It seems that everyday we come across someone that's incredibly prepared for what we have to share with them. We're very excited for all these people who are so humble and just willing to listen. Heavenly Father is truly blessing us with success so far.
Elder Dumke is so awesome. He could very well become one of my favorite companions, if not thee favorite. We work really well together, and get along great. He's really laid back, but very diligent in the work and so we keep very busy. I sure do love this kid! He rocks! He's from Salt Lake City, and is really tall. The weirdest thing is that he's the shortest of his 2 brothers and his dad. It's so crazy looking at a picture of him and his dad, because it looks like a normal picture. I mean most dads are taller than their sons, right? Well then I realized that not only is Elder Dumke 6'4" but his dad is 6'7"! Oh snap! I love him to death though.
We have a rockin zone this transfer. Everyone is absolutely solid. We have an area that's been struggling pretty bad, but they got a solid missionary there this transfer. Unfortunately they can't work right now, because he unexpectedly had an Appendicitis attack last night, and had surgery right away last night. They haven't had any chance to really work. It really stinks, cause that missionary really rocks! I love that guy!
Well, not too much else to mention. We're all really excited for Christmas. We got some giant bags of gifts from the Relief Society yesterday at church(All 6 of the missionaries in the ward got them!) filled with everything from deodorant and body wash, to blocks of cheese and candy bars. We would've waited for Christmas, but there was food, and it would've been an interesting experience with the cheese. haha! We're way excited for the Zone Christmas Party on Friday, when everyone gets gifts from the mission and their parents and letters and what not. The mission has been holding mail the past month for this, so thats why I haven't gotten a chance to write anyone. :/
Well I sure do love yall! I hope you have a wonderful week before Christmas!
~Elder Wiederholt
888 Oakwood Rd Ste 310
Charleston WV 25314

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