P.C. to Nicole Rose

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

When a large, naked, Cuban man answered the door with a Machete and screaming Spanish...

You realize that you didn't learn the things he was saying in your high school class.
True story.
Anyway, at the beginning of the week, we were asked by President Pitt to go to Ravenswood for a couple days to help out the companion ship there because they were having it kind of rough. We helped them a lot, and now they're being split and a new missionary is going up there. I have a feeling we're going to have to do it again, because its a new missionary coming in. Then we went up to Parkersburg North for a couple more days, and helped out the area there. Their companionship was going kind of rough as well, and they're being split tomorrow as well, both are getting companions that they are going to be great match ups for.

Then we finally got back to our area on Thursday and didn't really get to do any work until Friday. As far as working and numbers go this week, it wasn't so good, because all our investigators dropped us pretty hard, and that includes our two that had dates for baptism. :/

Oh well! We'll find more people to teach! Speaking of the naked guy. We found him yesterday. And the situation actually happened! He didn't speak a lick of English, so we mustered enough Spanish to ask for a computer, where we got onto Google and used the translator. We're pretty resourceful. I think I'm gonna pick up a Spanish workbook or something though. I never took Spanish, but I could catch a word or two. He could also speak Russian! I mean Russian is hard enough as it is, but when it's with a Cuban accent, yikes!
Transfers are tomorrow. Elder Stoker and I are staying together for another transfer, but we're getting a new Assistant. My trainer, the senior assistant, is going up to Morgantown to train my "brother" in the mission. The mission is getting way cool every transfer. This transfer, Elder Neal L Anderson, of the Twelve Apostles, is coming to Charleston to speak at Stake Conference. He's also asked that the ENTIRE MISSION gather in Charleston for a couple hours of hoo-rah. To my knowledge this is the first time that the entire mission will be together in the same place. We're all pretty excited!
Well, we gotta get going! gotta go do laundry :/
Love ya'll!
~Elder Wiederholt
888 Oakwood Rd Ste 310
Charleston, WV 25314

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