P.C. to Nicole Rose

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


So first off, we always ask members if there's any kind of service that we can help them with, and of course whenever anyone asks me what I did back home, the only thing that really stands out, if at all, is photography. We had a member ask me if I could borrow her camera and take pictures of a family for her. Then, she wanted me to do their family as well, and I've gotten them done, and now they kindly told another family that what I say at the dinner table is actually truthful and they want me to do their family pictures too. Of course, I make sure to not do it for too long, like 45 minutes a family. And on days that dont mean much for missionary work. I do love it though, and it makes me all sorts of excited to be able to have weight in my hands again. That, and a camera that zooms. :)
Anyway, I'm sending a couple pictures of the capital building that I took with that camera. One is from our apartment at sunrise. Another is later that day, after church, when the weather was getting funky.
the work was ok this week. I'm starting to get sick, which doesn't suprise me since there's been a ton of missionaries getting sick in our mission lately. It's quite unfortunate. It's just a cough, but it's wearing me out. We get home as soon as possible, plan really quick, and i crash until my Elder Stoker goes to bed, then he wakes me up and we do prayers. I'm gonna get a blessing today so that I can just get this thing knocked out quick. It's also making it hard to think of anything too exciting too.
It's weird that Elder Stoker is most likely going to be transferred in 2 weeks, because it means that we've been together for two and a half months alreaady! It's sooo crazy! Time is flying by way quick. I can't wait to kick this sickness in the butt and get back to work so that we can tear it up here in C town!

We had a good Thanksgiving, in that we ate at 3 different families homes, one of which was actually at a restuarant that their family owns, and there was like 40 people there. Also, each dinner appointment was like an hour and a half apart. I was stuffed. Could hardly walk. I have to say that it was thee most physically uncomfortable day of my mission thus far. It was all way good though, and I'm happy that we had a bit of a day off. Christmas is soon upon us, and it's going to be tough keeping the missionaries motivated during the holidays and with the cold weather coming as well. We'll keep it going strong though! :D
Love yall!
Elder Shain C Wiederholt
888 Oakwood Dr Ste 310
Charleston, WV 25314

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