P.C. to Nicole Rose

Monday, March 28, 2011


We had a FANTASTIC week this week! We did great in finding, on of our investigators was baptized and we have a couple more coming really close! This area was once termed a dead area, but its sure looking rather good to me right now.

It was also a really busy week. We had exchanges at the beginning of the week with the missionaries in Oakland, Maryland. I was with Elder Stoven, whose been out for just over one transfer, but he's a great missionary. He was the goalie for the BYU soccer team as well! That exchange was tons of fun! Such a great guy!

We drove up to Morgantown for a nice meeting with President Thornock and we had district meeting then as well. A couple days later we had our exchange with the Zone Leaders and that went super well! I was with Elder Sellers, who is from Hillsboro, OR. He goes home here shortly and is really starting to miss Oregon. Oooh man.

The Zone Leaders were also able to stick around for a ward dinner before the exchange and then when it ended they were able to stay for the baptism. It was really great. One of them, Elder Hilton, was in Ashland ward with me for the last two transfers, and he's been there for both of my baptisms so far. I totally love that guy!
Well, thats my week in a nut shell. We have to cut email time short today cause we're goign to Morgantown to give one of our less actives a blessing. He almost died from a severe seizure and isnt doing too well. :/
Have a great day and a great week! :D

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