P.C. to Nicole Rose

Monday, July 11, 2011

Another Week

Just because I thought it was a topic of discussion between Elder Stewart and I, we were talking about what it would be like to cease. It's cause a couple days ago out of frustration with a youth, who was trying to get chalk all over me, I told him that he would cease(which I probably shouldn't have said now that I realize the severity of it) and he asked what that meant. He thought that he would just die, but we thought about it, and to cease means to completely go away. All memories and influences of you as well. At least when you die your spirit still exists, but to cease means thats even God would completely forget about you. Crazy, huh? I plan on saying that nearly as often anymore.

We had an interesting day on Saturday, let me tell you about it. We were visiting a Less Active member on Thursday when her 16 year old grand daughter came in and after talking a bit she invited us to this church event thing going on in Oakland on saturday. It was a youth thing, but we went so that we could talk to her and enjoy ourselves, but of course everyone there who was putting it on was going to school to be a minister, and wanted to test their learning on us. So these people just started bashing with us for an hour and a half and we only got to talk to our friend for just a couple minutes. Other than that, they actaully got some doctrine out of the Song of Solomon, and we did learn a bit. Plus, there were a couples kids there speaking tounges, and that was crazy. Intense stuff, because I've never seen that kind of stuff before.

Other then that, we're still working with the same people, everything good seems to just be leveling off now, and soon the coaster will go down hill once again. I'm hoping it wont be so bad, but thats expected. It happens frequently it seems. Its all for our good though! To help us learn and grow and be prapared for later on in life when things get harder and harder!
Unfortunately, not much else is going on. hopefully things pick back up. Love ya'll and talk to ya'll next week! :D
~Elder Wiederholt
202 E High St #3
Kingwood, WV 26537

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