P.C. to Nicole Rose

Sunday, September 2, 2012


Well Family and friends, I have officially applied to Southern Virginia University. We'll see how this goes. If all is well, I'd be starting the spring term in early 2013. I'll be able to return home for a few months, then I guess I'd be heading back out here. The one downside is that I've been away from family and friends for two years already, and within a few months, I'd be back where I was stuck for two years. It'll be good though. I'm getting more and more excited. And there's nothing like living down the street from my future college, and many of the members that I eat with or associate with are people that I'll be working with later too!
This week is going great! We taught so much last week. Also, about a year ago, I told my mission president that I wanted to see 6 more people get baptized while I've been out. Well, I told me companion that I haven't seen any since that goal was made, and then we were both just like why not this transfer! So we're shooting for 6 baptisms this transfer. That hasn't happened in a long time in the WVCM. Also, we already have one coming up on the 16th. This cool girl named Michaela. She's 16, and here parents are coming back to church for the first time in like 25 years. It's soo awesome. A lot of members are just like finally! but I guess its all about planting those seeds! We're also teaching a few other people that should be baptized this transfer or at least a week into next. We have two wards to work with, so it's definitely possible. Especially since this is like the promised land of the mission.
Elder Butler is sa-weet. We have so much fun. We're both running kind of low on food right now. That's a little bit of a problem. The missionaries that left the apartment behind that we moved into left it kinda trashed and we cleaned it for a few hours on transfer day. They did leave like two dozen eggs for us though! Unfortunately, they were expired. like 4 months ago. Go figure. I shouldn't be suprised.
Also, an investigator(which could be baptized before I go home) is getting married on my click day(sept29). She asked me to photograph her wedding. That'll be really sweet. I got permission from President Pitt, and will be borrowing a camera from a member. I'm pretty stoked.
Love yall!
~Elder Shain C Wiederholt
888 Oakwood Rd Ste 310
Charleston, WV 25314

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