P.C. to Nicole Rose

Sunday, July 29, 2012

storms and pictures!


The pictures I'm sending are from a photoshoot that a member did of us this transfer. Transfers are on Wednesday, and I'm staying. My new companion will be Elder Weitz, from Billings, MT, and he came out the same time as me. Elder Confer will be moving to Roanoke North, and working with the family ward there. It's sooooo crazy how fast time is flying now, because it seems just like yesterday that I met Elder Confer, but now hes all growed up and stuff. It's incredible. He's come so far and it's nice to see that he's doing well. He's really excited, and I'm excited for him.

 This week has been really crazy, as was last week. the weather especially has made it hard to work effectfully. That, and all of our investigators have been out of town or just havent been home. hopefully that'll change here soon. I'm looking forward to tearing it up with another really experienced missionary. First time that I've had this opportunity on my mission and havent had any leadership that would take up time as well. We're pretty stoked. We did find this super awesome lady named Pattie. We're really excited for her. We just tracted into her and she really opened up. She's really excited to read the Book of Mormon and she has great hopes that her family will have a unity of Faith one day. We're praying for her!

 Also we've been cleaning up our fair share of trees. We've cleaned up well over 20. It's incredible.

Well, sorry its short, but we got a TON to do. I hope you enjoy the pictures!

~Elder Shain C Wiederholt
888 Oakwood Rd Ste 310
charleston, WV 25314

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