Well, my newest companion is a brand new missionary named Elder Confer. He's a way cool kid from Vegas, and he is one heck of a goof-ball which might be why we were put together. This area is way sweet too. We share a ward right now with the zone leaders and as the school year starts back up at the end of the summer we might be covering a student ward. Right now though, we really have a ton of boonies that we cover. Really. Our only town with streets and homes reasonably close enough to tract is a tiny town called Glasgow, 20 minutes away which is filled with people mostly comfortable or bitter. We do have a pretty solid potential there right now, and so we're really hoping that she'll go through with the appointment that we have tomorrow.
The coolest thing about this area is that The ward has recently been thinking a lot about reaching out to a group of people in a town called Collierstown. It's hardly a town, since its so spread out. In fact its just a collection of hollers and boonies within a 10-15 mile radius of a church, and thats Collierstown. Anyway, it's way sweet. Because there's a HUGE amount of members there that all went less active like 20 years ago when their little branch got invaded by members from out west, then got turned into what is now the Lexington ward. Their little church building(which I'm sending a picture of myself in front of) was shut down, and they were told to go to the new stake center. They didn't like that too much, and now are no longer too bitter, but just out of the habit.
Other pictures I'm sending:
One of me with the church building. One of us driving in our brand new Toyota Corolla. One of me looking at a giant dinosaur statue in Glasgow. One of some beautiful scenery on our way to Collierstown. And one of me, my trainer, the two missionaries that I've trained, and a new missionary that is now with someone else that my trainer has trained. We have some rockin' posterity in this mission. We're a legendary family. Haha
Love ya'll!
Elder Shain C Wiederholt
2754 Maple St A-2(We move into C-9 on the 30th of this month)
Buena Vista, VA 24416
888 Oakwood Rd Ste 310
Charleston, WV 25314
Excited you are in Buena Vista! Nathan's brother doesn't live there anymore but our sister-in-law's family does. The Hardy's you should find them. They live in their old house on Maple.