P.C. to Nicole Rose

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


It's really something that I needed. I was having a tough time for a couple weeks since we didn't have anyone to teach, but everything always seems to get better right on time. Unfortunately I wasn't in town for most of our finding, because we were on exchanges a couple times. When they found the most, I was in Beckley, WV helping them to set up a teaching pool of Less-Actives to work with. Although it was a super successful week, it was also a super stressful week. We had to arrange for the 27 missionaries in our zone to come into Charleston, including rides, places to sleep, food and places to go work for a couple hours each day. The reason being the whole mission came into Charleston to see Elder Neal L Anderson speak at Stake Conference. he spoke to just the missionaries for about 2 and a half hours, and it was great. We all got to go up and shake his hand and introduce ourselves. Over the course of the weekend, I got to meet him a couple different times. After the mission conference, we had to zoom back to our chuch building 25 miles away with 10 other missionaries in our Cargo Van(which the mission lent us for a couple days) in less than half an hour to get to our baptism on time. It went great! Sister Pitt and the sister missoinaries from Morgantown showed up randomly with an investigator and saw the baptism too. It was good to see them, since I came out with one of those sisters and havent really talked with her since. The baptism was way spiritual. His name is Lawson, and he's just 18. He was taught here by elder Stoker and Elder Jones, then moved up to Conneticut for school, where he continued taking the lessons, and flew down here for Thanksgiving and his Baptism. I hadn't even met him until that morning! Haha! Afterwards, we cleaned everything up, and got dinner. I'm pretty sure that we made Taco Bell's pay roll for the day.
After dinner, we dropped companionships on random streets to go knock doors, and we went and did some ourselves. We didn't do a whole lot, because we got let in on our first door. It was way cool to talk to someone that was as receptive as he was. We were in the same apartment complex as Charleston South, and they were let in on their first door as well. We went and picked up everyone after than, and 3 of the 4 companionships were let in, and all loaned out copies of the Book of Mormon to some people who were all super excited to have us come back. We're so thankful for those blessings. It's quite the miracle, truely.
We finished up the day by going to go see Elder Anderson once more, then went home. The next day we got up nice and early and picked everyone up in the Cargo van to go see Elder Anderson one last time. It was way cool just how strong the spirit was at each meeting, and the countenance that he had, even though he's just a regular guy. He was waaaaay funny! He kept joking with me and my companion because every time he spoke we somehow found some seats up in the front couple rows. He offered some awesome insight on how the stake can do better on different things, so we can get a temple out here. Hopefully someday, that's all I gotta say. If we could get all of Utah to move out here, then I think it would work well. It's sad because there's so much potential out here, but there's just an attiude of "we've already done that and it work this time" that must be in the water or something.
We've got a ton of appointments today, and we only get until noon for pday since we essentially are getting Thanksgiving off from how many meal appointments we have. I'm way stoked!! ;D
Love yall!
~Elder Shain C Wiederholt
888 Oakwood Rd Ste 310
Charleston, Wv 25314

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