P.C. to Nicole Rose

Monday, June 6, 2011


HAHAHAHAHAHA We've been waiting to get that picture FOREVER. Of course today when showing our bishop that he told us that the pastor of the church in which the giant Jesus resides wouldn't care if we went there with tons of people there. I'm glad that even the Antied Pastors are starting to have softened hearts to us. Speaking of which. We're doing an exchange with one. We're mowing her lawn if she listens to the discussions. :D They're super cool though Cant wait, theyre black too! It just keeps getting better!
When it comes to the ward though, things are getting harder. Since its the summer, everyone thinks its ok to go camping on sundays instead of going to church. We already only have a regular attendance of like 40, so that is cut in half like every week. Memorial day weekend there was 15 people. We're finally starting to get somewhere with Less Active work, however. The bishop finally gave us a list of people he wants us to go visit.
Oakland, MD missionaries had their first baptism in a few years, and that one was a child of record. This one was so legit. His name was Mark Rohrbaugh. He was a Jehovahs Witness, and his wife unfortunately left him because of his choice to join the church. It happens though, and Heavenly Father will most definitely bless him for it. His mom and soon his dad and sister are now taking the discussions as well.
Not much going on right now. Its getting hotter, and I cant stand the heat and humidity. blech.
Love yall! We'll talk to yall next week! :D

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