P.C. to Nicole Rose

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Boooooring week

Well, like the title s uggests, we had a reeeally boring week this week. We had good numbers for a change, though. We had an investigator at church yesterday! We were super stoked about it. Also, it was a Primary program so all the little kids at church were able to teach basic, simple doctrine and it was great! Elder Moen and I were asked to come up and sing a song with them, the conductor had a suuper cheesy smile though and I started to laugh a bit and my voice cracked. Hahaha. We also taught a Nazarene Preacher on wednesday, AT his church. It was an interesting experiance.

Also, we found a legit family. They own a local towing company and whenever they get a call they go as a family. The kids are homeschooled and they are seriously an awesome family. The only problem that theyre trying to get over right now is how we used to practice polygamy. :/ Nonetheless, I've definitely been learning a lot since I came out here to the East about one month ago! Lots to do and people to teach.

In the pictures, I saw an orange tree with some blue sky and so I took its picture. I couldn't help myself. Then theres one of Elder Moen with a suuper short tie and we thought it was pretty funny. Theres one of my desk, which was kinda messy when I took it. I have pictures and cards that I've gotten from friends and stuff on the wall, along with sticky notes with scriptures and quotes. Sister missionaries used to stay in our apartment, and they left a lot of stuff behind including this purple photo album with flowers on it. I found it and w as like YES! hahaha Gotta keep things interesting, you know?

I also took a picture of the cool fog this morning, and then one of the porch area below our apartment. Our neighbor has a huge drinking problem, essentially. Thats all from yesterday and today. Its all he does, is drink, starting early in the morning until late at night. I here him drop a can about every 5-15 minutes during my study time. We can't do much about it, cause we're encouraged not to talk to anyone living in the same complex as us, for safety reasons.

Its interesting, to say the least. We're going to a thrift store today and we're gonna look for a cheap keyboard to buy so we can practice our piano playing a bit during lunch and dinner and stuff. I'm lovin it!
~Elder Wiederholt

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