P.C. to Nicole Rose

Monday, October 25, 2010

I'm here!

Hahaha. I finally got here, and here isnt exactly West Virginia. My first area is in Russell, Kentucky, Home of Billy Ray Cyrus.

My companion is Elder Chris Moen, from Seattle, WA. It's been a rather hard week, but its been fun too. I really miss the guys from my district in the MTC and stuff, but we all write and stuff. This week 99% of all our appointments have fallen through so I've only met one investigater and that was through Splits, and so I taught a guy whose been being taught for the past 10 years. Elder Moen went and taught a girl and committed her to baptism which is great and all, but I really wanted to be there for it. :/ Her name is Darian and she's 16, a mother and smokes, so we have some stuff to work on before the 20th of November, but we can do it, and I'm excited :D
I'm sending some pictures of my MTC group and some other stuff. If anyone wants to send me stuff then they have to send it to the mission office and I get packages at zone conference, as far as I know anyway. Letters and stuff can be sent to:
Elder Shain Wiederholt
1125 St Christopher Dr #48
Russell, KY 41169
If anything, some nice, simple recipes would be nice. We made some Fajitas for dinner and that was good. Plus, I'm the only one of us who can actually cook, the problem is that I dont always know what to cook. I'm thinking some good ol hamburger helper.
OH. We were tracting a couple days ago, and we knocked on this lady's door and she said that she was busy making dinner and we said that it smelled really good and she let us in and fed us dinner! It was eggs, bisquits and gravy, fresh Hog bacon and sausage and fried potatoes. Sooooo good. I love the food.
Anyways, its my companions turn for the computer, til next monday!

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